We are excited to announce that our leading holiday dialysis programme is now available in Greece, one of the world’s most popular travel destinations. With d.HOLIDAY, dialysis patients will be able to enjoy holidays in the country, or travel domestically to see friends and family, with the assurance that they can continue their treatment while on the go, in line with Diaverum's benchmark standards of care. 

This news comes shortly after the announcement of Diaverum’s entry in the Greek market last January. It demonstrates our strong commitment to enabling dialysis patients' mobility by expanding our holiday offering everywhere we operate - ultimately empowering more dialysis patients to travel and live fulfilling lives. 

Greece is a popular year-round destination for people of all ages, while its mild climate and wide range of attractions & activities, make it a top destination for CKD travellers. d.HOLIDAY will be available in six Diaverum clinics situated in convenient locations in Attica and the neighbouring Boetia & Euboea regions, offering our world-class renal care services.

Commenting on the news, Michaela Blomstrand, Global Director Patient Experience and Stakeholder Management for Diaverum, said: “At Diaverum, we are dedicated to empowering patients and their families to live fulfilling lives, and we know that travel plays a huge role in this. But travelling can feel like a very big challenge for people who need to receive regular dialysis treatments. That’s why we developed d.HOLIDAY, a programme which gives patients access to high quality care at their travel destination”.

Elenor Mårtensson, Global Customer Manager, who leads the d.HOLIDAY programme, added: “We know that taking a holiday is an important part of enjoying life, and how daunting it can be for patients on dialysis to even imagine planning a short trip, more so a holiday. That’s why we have dedicated d.HOLIDAY Coordinators in each country where we operate, who support patients through every step of their journey – from developing a travel itinerary that suits their needs, to submitting the necessary travel documentation and getting recommendations on CKD-friendly activities. We want to make it as easy as possible for anyone on dialysis to benefit from a relaxing trip”.

For his part, Aris Bailan, Managing Director for Diaverum Hellas, said: “I am delighted that Greece has been added to the list of 24 countries across the world where d.HOLIDAY is available. Our clinic teams are ready to welcome holiday dialysis patients and provide them with exceptional care services, going above & beyond to ensure they enjoy wonderful holiday experiences. We hope this news inspires more dialysis patients to travel to Greece, a beautiful country which has something to offer for everyone”.

Visit the d.HOLIDAY website to find out more about the programme, and where Diaverum's clinics are located in Greece.


Thinking of travelling while on a transplant list?

Our d.HOLIDAY Fly Back Programme funds safe and fast returns home for patients who receive their transplant call whilst travelling within Europe.

Visit the d.HOLIDAY website to discover more!


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