The management teams of Diaverum Portugal and Brazil recently came together for the Portuguese-Brazilian Conference for Dialysis Management  (Conferência Luso-Brasileira de Gestão em Diálise). Held in São Paulo between 24 – 25 August, it was a joint venture between the Brazilian Association for Dialysis and Transplantation Centres (Associação Brasileira dos Centros de Diálise e Transplante – ABCDT) and the Portuguese National Dialysis Centre Association (Associação Nacional de Centros de Diálise - Anadial). It is considered to be an outstanding initiative that brings together dialysis management professionals from both nations.

This year, over 200 nephrologists, patient association representatives and other kidney professionals from both nations attended the conference, offering a wealth of opportunities to connect, discuss and collaborate. Key topics on the agenda included matters regarding  the current and future status of haemodialysis clinic management, to how AI can provide benefits and how the fiscal context should be managed in order to ensure a sustainable operation.

As a leading global provider of renal care, Diaverum played a prominent role at the conference, with the Brazil team being one of the event’s main sponsors; a total of eight delegates comprised of the countries’ respective management teams were in attendance, ensuring that Diaverum was one of the best represented organisations at the event.  Additionally, Dr. Ana Maria Malik, renown nephrologist, was invited by the team to participate as a guest speaker on the topic of  “Relevant healthcare scenarios in Brazil”. Sofia Correia de Barros, Country Manager for Diaverum Portugal, who also serves as Anadial’s President, delivered a presentation entitled: “Main learnings from Portugal experience on dialysis”.

Commenting on the Conference’s significance, Sofia said: “I believe these conferences are very relevant as they create an open environment to discuss relevant questions for haemodialysis sector and in presence of relevant players as government representatives, teaching institutions and public players”.

“On top of that, the exchange of learnings between two countries is very powerful and can create relevant synergies in terms of strategic approaches as well as management efficiencies”.

Luciano Bonaldo, Country Manager for Diaverum Brazil, added: “The Conference presented us with the opportunity to engage with our colleagues from Diaverum Portugal, as well as representatives from other companies and academic institutions. It was an honour and privilege, and I was delighted that our own team was able to play a pivotal role in bringing this together.”


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